Hair loss can take your
self-esteem and confidence.
how to leave hopelessness behind and THRIVE!

How women can stop hair loss, regain confidence and transform their lives

…without buying expensive products that don’t work, searching social media and finding unreliable information, and stressing as your hair keeps falling out.

Hi! I’m Lauriann Greene

My mission is to help women overcome the challenges of hair loss. I lost about half my hair 40+ years ago. I was so upset I swore I would never leave the house again. I know how devastating hair loss can be for women, and I want to help you achieve the happiness you deserve, despite hair loss.

I want to help you let go of old beliefs about beauty and femininity that make you feel inadequate, teach you techniques to calm your mind and spirit, and get you ready to take the necessary action to effectively treat your hair loss.

As a healthcare coach and medical researcher, author of a best-selling medical textbook, I know how to tell the difference between proven information and treatments, and the nonsense and unproven "snake oil" treatments we all see online and in social media. Because I want you to have the best chance of stopping the thinning and growing hair back!

I've done extensive research to gather evidence-based information about women's hair loss. You’ll have a reliable source of information and holistic, transformational coaching, all in one convenient place. No more frustration endlessly searching the Internet or asking random strangers on social media for answers about your hair.

It's time to feel better and get your groove back! Together, we'll get you moving forward with confidence and courage to be a Hair Loss Heroine! I look forward to working with you and helping you shine! 

Lauriann and Hair Loss Heroines in the Media

“The beauty of your journey is that it’s going to continue to evolve. Take action to nurture your wellbeing and grow your confidence, stop your hair thinning, and make your life as fulfilled and happy as possible.”

— Your Coach, Lauriann